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Network Instuments Home Page

Tools for Network Analysis

Gigabit Probe GigaStor GOSS



Observer is a network analyzer for LAN, wireless 802.11 a/b/g, low-utilization gigabit, Token Ring and FDDI networks. Observer provides real-time metrics, packet capture, decode, trending and more for shared and switched environments.



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Observer is a software-only, network monitoring and troubleshooting tool. Observer is a 64-bit application. A 32-bit version is also included. Observer can monitor wired LANs and 802.11 a/b/g networks. With the addition of Network Instruments?software or hardware probes, Observer can monitor multi-segment networks including LAN, WAN, gigabit and wireless.

With the Network Instruments? Distributed Network Analysis architecture, (NI-DNA), Observer is unique in the network analysis industry. It’s the only analyzer built from a unified code set, offering scalability and seamless integration across the entire Observer product family. Network administrators need ony to learn one interface to monitor across topologies, locations, and technologies. To learn more about NI-DNA, click here.

Observer Benefits:

bulletConvert your PC or laptop into a powerful analyzer
bulletCapture, view, and decode traffic in real time
bulletInstantly assess the effectiveness of network changes
bulletMonitor and graph real-time bandwidth utilization
bulletSave historical data
bulletBaseline your network
bulletIdentify virus and hack attacks
bulletCollect statistics by user, packet size, or protocol
bulletFilter easily through data to isolate issues
bulletPerform stress testing
bulletSpeed troubleshooting with proactive notification
bulletView router traffic patterns in real time
bulletAnalyze your VLANs independently or in aggregate
bulletMonitor wired and wireless together
  Packet Capture and Decode
bulletOver 550 primary protocols (decode listing)
bulletCountless subprotocols (including wireless)
bulletNanosecond resolution
bulletAdd administrator comments to any packet
bulletDynamic port protocol decode
bulletSchedule packet captures
bulletConceal private IP addresses
  Real-Time Statistics
bulletOver 30 real-time statistics available
bulletNetwork summary
bulletBandwidth utilization
bulletInternet Observer
bulletAccess point load monitor
bulletPair statistics
bulletProtocol distribution
bulletNetwork activity
bulletWireless site survey
bulletRouter Observer
bulletVLAN Analysis
  Top Talkers
bulletUnderstand bandwidth usage by device
bulletDetermine if a station is consuming too much bandwidth
bulletView LAN use patterns
bulletDetect faulty network hardware
bulletMake informed decisions about network segmentation
bulletFind broadcast storms
bulletReview switch usage and resource allocation

Top Talkers is the first screen I check every morning. It's a good snapshot to help me see if the network is healthy or if something is out of the ordinary. I can watch protocols, see what traffic is work-related - sometimes its an easy problem like a bad NIC sending out too much chatter. With Observer I can see all this activity and proactively manage my bandwidth levels.

Mark Giorgis, Long Beach Transit
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bulletInclude or exclude packets by address, address range, protocol offsets, and presets
bulletUse Boolean logic to create complex features
bulletFilter with Perl-compatible regular expressions
bulletDesign filters visually
bulletCreate protocol filters from the protocol distribution list
bulletExecute multiple filters concurrently
bulletShare filter libraries with other Observer users
bulletQuickly configure filters with fast post filtering
bulletUtilize data mining capabilities

  Triggers and Alarms
bulletFlag activities or errors with a pre-defined list
bulletSet custom notifications based on any filter
bulletReceive alerts as vulnerabilities are detected
bulletChoose alert method (e-mail, pager, etc.)
bulletObtain e-mails with virus information including source and destination
bulletSetup any trigger to have an associated action
bulletPop up message windows
bulletActivate captures
bulletStart/append logs
bulletPrint trouble tickets
bulletExecute external programs
bulletManage triggers and alarms for multiple probes from one location
bulletSet a trigger on any WLAN activity
  VLAN Analysis
bulletView each VLAN data independently or in aggregate
bulletReal-time statistics
bulletDetermine loads by station and by VLAN
  Network Trending and Reporting
bulletCollect trending data for
bulletGain insight into total network health over time
bulletCollect and store network, Internet, and switch data for days, weeks, months, even years
bulletView a single time period (i.e. day or month) or create period-to-period comparison reports
bulletChoose text-based, graphical or Web-based reports
bulletObtain instant snapshots with Ready-Made Reports
bulletDesign custom reports and save templates for later use
bulletAuto-generate reports to any folder or e-mail box
bulletShare reports with non-Observer users
  Wireless Support
bulletComplete support for 802.11a/b/g - no additional software necessary
bulletGain WLAN-specific metrics such as
bulletAccess Point statistics
bulletWireless types by station
bulletErrors by station
bulletUtilize site configuration tools for better planning
bulletChoose from multiple security encryption options
bulletCollect long-term trending information
bulletStay on top of your WLAN with Wireless Site Survey
bulletFind rogue access points
bulletUnderstand signal quality and data rates
bulletEnforce WLAN security policies
bulletDetermine AP placement by measuring signal strength
bulletMonitor wired and wireless with one interface
bulletReceive instant notifications on problems with wireless Triggers and Alarms

With Observer's many WLAN features, I can monitor utilization, watch for rogue access points, run usage reports, and perform baselining activities—improving the performance of our wireless network.

Christian Wilson, Select Comfort
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  Internet Observer
bulletObtain specific Internet activity
bulletReview individual Internet usage with Internet Patrol
bulletReceive true Layer 3 IP addresses with IP Pairs Matrix
bulletUse IP Subprotocols by Station to gain each users' specific Internet usage by service
  Router Observer
bulletUnderstand router activity
bulletDetermine router usage
bulletObtain a “heads-up?immediate display of packets/sec, bit/sec, and interface utilization
bulletReview traffic by direction (in, out, total) and percentages of interface utilization
bulletOne-minute and one-hour displays available
  Cross Mode Drill Down
bulletUnique method of easily cross-referencing data

For Sales enquiry, please send email to sales@sstl.com.hk, or call us at +852 2152 8966.

wan technologies WAN Probe Appliance WOSS

Why cannot users connect to the Internet or to the remote site through a WAN link? Why is the link so slow? Is more bandwidth necessary, or is the ISP not fulfilling its end of the Service Level Agreement? To answer these questions and more, invest in a comprehensive Network Instruments Observer WAN solution.





Wide Area Network connectivity and throughput validation is a key part of a healthy, cost-effective remote connectivity strategy. With WAN costs typically accounting for the majority of the network’s ongoing operating budget, tracking performance is critical.  Network Instruments' Observer WAN solution provides in-depth metrics for comprehensive WAN flow analysis–making monitoring the WAN as easy as monitoring local network resources.

WAN Analysis Advantages

bulletManage VoIP communications with included Expert system
bulletMonitor up to 16 connections individually or in aggregate
bulletMonitor CIR to verify and enforce Service Level Agreements
bulletPerform packet captures and review statistics that adhere to RMON1/RMON2 and HCRMON
bulletComplete capture and decode of WAN encapsulation and payload data with detailed packet-by-packet information

WAN Analysis Features

bulletWAN Vital Signs
bulletMultiHop Analysis
bulletWAN Alarms
bulletWAN Filtering
bulletWAN Trending
bulletWAN Reporting
bulletReal-Time WAN Experts

WAN Analysis Product Selection

bulletWAN Probe
The WAN Probe Appliance monitors all header and payload data on serial and digital WAN links for comprehensive analysis.

bulletWAN Observer Suite System (WOSS)
The WOSS is a portable system that offers comprehensive inline monitoring, decode, and statistics for WAN traffic, as well as all payload data for serial and digital links.

 For Sales enquiry, please send email to sales@sstl.com.hk, or call us at +852 2152 8966.

Gigabit Probe GigaStor GOSS

Do users complain about slow server connections? Are you worried that a growing user base threatens to swamp your gigabit infrastructure? How much of that expensive hardware is actually being utilized? To answer these questions and more, invest in a comprehensive Network Instruments Observer gigabit solution.



Observer Demo
Gigabit Product Family
GigaStor Brochure

Network Instruments?full-duplex gigabit product family brings together award-winning analysis technology with hardware appliances for monitoring and troubleshooting mission-critical links across the enterprise. Ensure accurate captures on fully saturated networks with a custom Gen2 Gigabit Capture Card engineered by Network Instruments, included in the core of every Gigabit Probe Appliance.

Gigabit Analyzer Advantages:

bulletMonitor up to four full-duplex gigabit links simultaneously
bulletObtain full-duplex, wire-speed capture statistics
bulletUtilize the largest memory buffer (up to 4 GB) in the industry
bulletGain in-depth analysis through real-time metrics

Gigabit Analyzer Features:

bulletReal-time statistics
bulletCapacity planning
bulletMetrics for SLA and QoS verification
bulletLong-term trending and baselining
bulletRemote real-time Expert analysis
bulletVoIP Expert
bulletApplication analysis

Gigabit Product Selection:

bulletGigabit Probe
Developed for full-duplex, wire-speed analysis on high-utilization links
bulletGigaTrunk Probe Appliance
Designed for data analysis in real-time or post-capture at the individual link level
bulletGigaStor Probe Appliance
Engineered for forensics with up to 4 TB or 8 TB of storage
bulletGigabit Observer Suite System
Ideal for any field-service engineer or IT consultant - an all-in-one, portable analyzer unit



For Sales enquiry, please send email to sales@sstl.com.hk, or call us at +852 2152 8966.

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Last modified: 09/05/12